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Country Blocking/Avoiding Scams, etc.

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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: Country Blocking/Avoiding Scams, etc.
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As I understand it, members located in the United States and Canada have the facility to block certain countries, presumably those with a reputation for online dating/419 type scams?

When will this facility be available to the rest of us?

Personally I am unlikely to be affected by such scams myself as I have no money to give to strangers anyway, and I trust no one. Besides I can usually manage to scare them off by asking if they are "enjoying" my photos.

However there are some lonely old souls who might be flattered by a twenty year old taking an interest in them, as your wonderful and helpful links to these type of scams show.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Blocking is a bit of a misnomer, in that members in the U.S. and Canada still receive all messages sent to them, but the messages from Countries not in their 'approved contact list' go into a Blocked folder (that just tells them the email messages are from other Countries...not that the messages were Blocked due to spam or something).

We will be working on some International related aspects of the network today, so we'll discuss how to add the option you described.

It would be a bit trickier to add this option for people in Europe though, because the ISP (Internet Service Providers) in Europe are often near Country borders, and are often shared across Countries due to proximity.

Since we base our Blocking on where we see someone (and not where they say they are), we might 'see' someone in France or Norway rather that the U.K...just because of their ISP.

In any case, we'll discuss how to expand the Blocking option to work better for all members, regardless of their Country location.



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